Member-only story
Adopt a Poet
Part Humor, Part Begging
Have you ever gone about your day wishing to hear a nonstop rhythmic, almost chanting voice in your head? Have you ever thought to yourself: Wow! It sure is lonely here at the top of the writing food chain, maybe I could lift up a humble poet? Well, if so, have I got an idea for you, hear me out: Adopt a poet.
In the writing and artist communities, in the blogging and online communities, in many if not most communities, poets need your support. For just .06-.09 cents a week, you could adopt a poet.
We don’t cost much because we exist on empathy and sacrifice. But we certainly could use a big brother/big sister program where writers who write about the big things — technology, productivity, money, self help, mental health, relationships, humor — could maybe take one of us under their wing and show their readers what poets look like. We are the unicorns and the dodo birds of online writing spaces. We are magical. We are rare. And we are thought not to exist.
We make do, we have our spaces, our caves, our lairs, our mines. We peek out sometimes. We see what you are writing about. We see how many readers you have. We see you are featured. We…